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The National Conference




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About the Conference

The EMATEM conference aims to attract research papers from various domains with respect to Mechanical / Automobile / Electrical / Electronics Engineering backgrounds. With the advent of e-mobility, the requirements of the new materials in battery technologies, power trains , charging stations etc., have increased exponential demand and growth in the global market. This requirement has to be addressed with industrial thought and hence the conference is proposed to bridge the gap between industry and academia. This conference will be motivation for researchers, scientists, academicians, hardware in loop developers, students and all the fraternity of e-mobility industry.

Objectives of the Conference:

1. To Create a eco-system for Engg Materials , Automotive technologies for e-Mobility.
2. To discuss the current industrial trends in e-mobility sector.
3. To Identify and address the issues in e-mobility for last mile logistics.


If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact us at:-
Email: convenor_ematem@mvsrec.edu.in
Dr. D Hari Krishna, Associate Professor, EEED, MVSREC - 9490215195
Mr. Pranav R, Assistant Professor, AED, MVSREC - 9121520656
Address: Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College, Nadergul, Hyderabad